After nearly half a year of woe, Brent is ready to give Linux the go. Join us as we compare and contrast two Linux distros and end up with one going on Brent's machine.
Our garage Linux server has died, and this time we’re looking at data loss. We attempt to revive our zombie box and reflect on what went wrong.
Why we hate crypto more than you, plus a frank conversation about boosts in our shows, some big lessons learned from our new website project, and the things we'd never do again.
We're learning on the job this week as the deadline for our new website is just around the corner. Plus, a dirty little secret that explains why most tech press coverage sucks.
Outdoor networking adventures, new decentralized tools we're building, and a great chat with one of the co-founders of Podverse - an impressive open-source Podcasting 2.0 app.
We've made some essential decisions for our big projects, what really has us excited about Podcasting 2.0, and the real problem with Boosts.
We explore what makes NixOS so powerful, and why it might be the future of all Linux distributions.
How each of us asks for features and help from free software projects, and one of our most prescient soapboxes in a while.
We put the sports car of Linux laptops to the test. Is it the multi-tasking machine it claims to be?