Episode Links
- The Perfect Media Server - 2019 Edition — Reliable means you don’t lose data. And that’s exactly what the MergerFS + Snapraid combo I first wrote about in 2016 has provided. A solid, boring and reliable way of storing multiple TBs of data with little fuss.
- Getting started with ZFS on Linux — Here’s a short article giving a ZFS 101 intro and list of commands in one place.
- New Hard Drive rituals — It is for these reasons that I now religiously do not commit any data to a drive until it has undergone at least one full cycle
- The ‘hidden’ cost of using ZFS for your home NAS — With ZFS, you either have to buy all storage you expect to need upfront, or you will be wasting a few hard drives on redundancy you don’t need.
- Mergerfs: a featureful union filesystem
- A Chat with mergerfs Developer — Alex, Drew from ChooseLinux and Brent (of the Brunch fame) sit down with Antonio Musumeci, the developer of mergerfs during the JB sprint.
- Alex’s one line mergerfs fstab entry
- My Photography Workflow