Episode Links
- Too Much Choice | LINUX Unplugged — Does the Linux community lean on the age old excuse of choice, to brush of the real limitations of desktop Linux environments? We debate that, and then discuss the growing reasons to roll your own email server.
- Still Minty Fresh | LINUX Unplugged 100 — We reflect on 100 episodes of LINUX Unplugged, the themes from episodes past & then review Linux Mint 17.2 Cinnamon edition.
- Gallaghers’ Where U Brew — We are a family (and dog!) friendly tap room and brewery, working to make your DIY brewing experience a successful, positive, uplifting and rewarding pursuit of fabulously great beer, extraordinarily fine wine or cider, and even root beer!
- Cloudron Solution for Self-Hosting Web Appplications — Cloudron is a turnkey solution for running apps like WordPress, Rocket.Chat, NextCloud, GitLab, OpenVPN & many more.
- LINUX Unplugged Beer Stein
- Name the LUP 400 Beer - Straw Poll