Episode Links
- Rename some references to GTK+ to GTK
- VLC 4.0 Plans — VLC lead developer Jean-Baptiste Kempf talked about their plans for version 4.0, codenamed Otto Chriek. For VLC 4.0 they want a new playlist, a redone user-interface, a new video output architecture that supports VR/3D content, and removal of old platforms.
- GNOME Shell Gets a Major Speed Boost — Anyone who’s tried the latest GNOME builds on the bleeding edge can attest: these are real, perceptible improvements that give GNOME Shell the peppiness and responsiveness that users have been longing for.
- Crypto Exchanges Experience Lowest Trading Since 2017 — The Bitcoin market reduced by more than 40 percent in comparison to December 2018.
- JupiterDev Telegram Group
- JupiterBroadcasting/fm — Simple script to receive an RTMP stream and re-stream to Icecast.
- Linux Academy Study Group Survey — What course should our next study group cover?
- Fifty years of Unix and Linux advances - Jon ‘maddog’ Hall at FOSDEM — 2019 marks the fiftieth anniversary of Unix, but it is also the fiftieth anniversary of the ArpaNet/Internet, and people walking on the moon.
- Good Will Snapping - Alan Pope at FOSDEM — Thousands of users, millions of downloads, dozens of distributions. Numbers going up and down and sideways. A look behind the scenes of Snapcraft, the highly popular universal app store for Linux.
- LINUX Unplugged - Blog - Playing with Pi-hole
- Pi-hole Patreon
- Pi-hole v4.2 Available — In preparation of the new API we are working on, FTLDNS will now store its data in a shared-memory space, so that the API can come in and read from that memory to fulfill requests.
- Prerequisites - Pi-hole documentation
- PiHole-Panel — PiHole-Panel is a control panel and real-time statistics for the Pi-hole Adblocker.
- Easily Overclock NVIDIA GPUs on Linux with This New App — It’s called “Green with Envy” and is a tool designed to let you manage fans of, view info on, or overclock a NVIDIA GPU on Linux.
- Open Source Event Manager — An event management tool tailored to Free and Open Source Software conferences.