Episode Links
- Pretty much every recent Windows Phone is now hackable
- Fedora 31 Isn’t Expected To Be Delayed After All — Since November the developers behind Fedora Linux had been discussing whether to significantly delay or even cancel Fedora 31 so they could spend around one year working on re-tooling how the distribution is crafted and work on other fundamental changes. But it turns out now they have decided against this big shake-up delay
- Fedora Planning A Per-System Unique Identifier For DNF — The proposal is quick to acknowledge the intent isn’t for tracking users but only counting and this UUID wouldn’t be re-used by other systems.
- Linux 5.0 is on the way — The numbering change is not indicative of anything special. If you want to have an official reason, it’s that I ran out of fingers and toes to count on, so 4.21 became 5.0
- Track Chris and Lady Jups
- GNU ed 1.15 released
- Bash 5.0 release available
- Fish Shell 3.0.0 — Fish 3 is a major release, which introduces some breaking changes alongside improved functionality.
- Peter (@ridiculous_fish) | Twitter
- [“Would totally skip Linux.”]( ““Would totally skip Linux.””) — We shipped Planetary Annihilation on Win, Mac, and Linux. Linux uses we’re a big vocal part of the Kickstarter and forums. In the end they accounted for <0.1% of sales but >20% of auto reported crashes and support tickets
- Game dev: Linux users were only 0.1% of sales but 20% of crashes and tickets | Hacker News
- Jason Evangelho on Twitter — Re: Adobe Premiere on Linux. I have a call next week with both Bill Roberts (Sr. Director Product Management) & Patrick Palmer (Principal Product Manager). They reached out to ME. I think a genuine effort is being made here to listen to & understand various perspectives.
- Jason Evangelho @ Forbes
- [Entroware Apollo 14"]( “Entroware Apollo 14"”)