Episode Links
- NASA runs KDE
- Are people forgetting what open source is? — There is a responsibility for the dev to make sure they vet what is being put into, but also a larger responsibility for large company’s to vet dependency themselves, such as this package event-stream
- International Space Station switches from Windows to Linux — “We migrated key functions from Windows to Linux because we needed an operating system that was stable and reliable.”
- LinuxFest Northwest 2019 — LinuxFest Northwest is an annual Open Source event co-produced by Bellingham Linux Users Group and the Information Technology department at Bellingham Technical College
- SnapRAID — SnapRAID is a backup program for disk arrays. It stores parity information of your data and it recovers from up to six disk failures.
- mergerfs — A featureful union filesystem.
- Fedora 31 Will Likely Be Cancelled Or Significantly Delayed — It’s about trying to re-tool the distribution and restructure the way its developed to rely more upon automated testing, improving the release processes, and related infrastructure to make it more scalable and better for the longer-term.
- Fedora Mailing-Lists: Lifecycle objective - problems, solutions, and proposal
- Fedora Wiki: Objectives/Lifecycle/Problem statements
- Current 12-18 Month Community Objectives
- Fedora Council Charter
- Dropbox Filesystem Fix — Fix the filesystem detection in the Linux Dropbox client.