Episode Links
- Utopian - Rewarding Open Source Contributors
- Linus Buzzkills 5.0 — But v5.0 will happen some day. And it should be meaningless. You have been warned.
- gotop — A terminal based graphical activity monitor inspired by gtop and vtop
- Clonezilla Live Disk Cloning OS Gets New Massive Deployment BitTorrent Mechanism — However, one of the most interesting feature of the Clonezilla Live 2.5.5-38 release is a new massive deployment mechanism based on the BitTorrent technology.
- fontfinder — A Google font browser for your GTK desktop, written in Rust
- Kdenlive in Paris — Our team will dedicate this time to discuss near and long term goals, review the application workflow with professional editors, work on the major 18.08 release and much more.
- Microsoft’s Next OS is Based on Linux, Not Windows — Microsoft is creating here is Azure Sphere OS, a new operating system aimed at tiny MCU-based IoT devices that is based on Linux.
- Microsoft’s bid to secure the Internet of Things: Custom Linux, custom chips, Azure — Azure Sphere has three components. First is a new class of microcontrollers (MCUs) that supports seven critical hardware features that Microsoft says are a necessary foundation to build secure systems. These include support for unforgeable encryption keys protected by hardware, the ability to update system software, and hardware-enforced compartmentalization between software components.
- Galen Hunt at Microsoft Research — I am part of the launch team for Microsoft Research New Experiences and Technologies organization (MSR NExT). I am manager of the Operating Systems Technologies Group.
- The Seven Properties of Highly Secure Devices — Our group has begun a research agenda to bring high-value security to low-cost devices.